Sam Field

Profile Photo

About Me

Hello! My name is Sam, and I’m passionate about Science and Arts. I’m very interested in Photography and Computer Software. I’m taking part in the school musical, Legally Blonde, this year, playing Warner (the evil boyfriend (again!)). I’m taking A-Levels in Biology, Computer Science, and Photography, as well as a BTEC in Performing Arts and a small EPQ in Cyber Security. Outside of school, I like to program microcontrollers and websites. I also like open-water swimming, which I do frequently, and visiting nature reserves with my camera.

Target Progress Tracker

posts have targets written at the bottom


Improve my stamina & strength

I will do a HIIT workout every evening

Start: 11/09/2023
Completed: Ongoing

Indicates completion
Indicates unaacomplished
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Improve my flexibility

I will stretch thoroughly every evening

Start: 11/09/2023
Completed: Ongoing

Indicates completion
Indicates unaacomplished
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Legally Blonde Musical

Learn all of my lines

I will spend time learning my lines off by heart scene-by-scene

Start: 14/09/2023
Completed: Ongoing

Learned some lines
Didn't learn any lines
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Me & The Performing Arts

In 2017, when I was 8 years old, I joined my first musical theatre group along with one of my sisters. It was a small, close-knit group, and I was one of only two boys – the other being significantly older than me, which made me feel a tad bit out of place at first. Despite that, I quickly became immersed in the world of theatre. Every Monday evening, we would rehearse for an hour and a half, working hard to prepare for my very first show, The Jungle Book

Performing in that show really sparked something in me, and after participating in a few more productions with the group, I felt ready for a new challenge. I decided to move to a larger, more dynamic theatre group. It was here that I truly discovered my passion for musical theatre. The larger cast, more elaborate productions, and the vibrnt community of like-minded performers drew me in completely. I found a real sense of belonging in this new environment – it was more than just rehearsing for shows, it was about growing together as a team.

Being part of this group has definately been a defining part of my life. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to take on a wide range of roles and performances, each one pushing me further and helping me grow both as a performer and as a person. I've also built up invaluable skills especially my confidence. This group had become my second family, and the joy of creating something magical on stage with such an amazing community is something I'll always carry with me.

Unfortunately, after covid, that group disbanded and was forced to merge with another, younger group as numbers became so low. I stayed on for a few shows, before leaving and auditioning for my school's musical production of "Footloose". Now, I have singing and piano lessons, I'm also a part of my school's Vocal Harmony Group and I am playing Warner Huntington III in my school's 2024 musical production of "Legally Blonde".

My Past Roles

Dec 2023


Chuck Cranston

Mar 2023


Mr Wormwood

Nov 2022

Oliver Twist

Mr Brownlowe

Apr 2022



Jun 2019

The Lion King


May 2019



Mar 2019

Into the Woods

Old Man

Jul 2018

Wizard of Oz


May 2018

Sleeping Beauty

King Stefan

Mar 2018

Bugsy Malone

Cagey Joe

Dec 2017



Jul 2017

1001 Arabian Nights


Mar 2017

The Jungle Book

Cheeky Monkey

Timeline in Pictures